First 14 people to enrol will pay £50 for the sessions!

Natacha McPherson

Where do I start? Where do I begin, to tell you about me, to simplify my journey into a short sentence, that got me here? There is so much that I could share that I could definitely write a book. Now, there is a thought. The book of my life cannot be written here, as an introduction to me, so I shall simply start and give you the shorter version.

My anxiety and depression started in 2013. I went from a person who enjoyed going out, loving being around friends and socialising, to spending my time indoors, isolating myself from everyone. I was just going to work, coming home, and looking after my sons, the best way I could. I was in despair, because of the negative things that was surrounding me, I was not happy with my life, where I was, what I was doing. All I knew is that something had to change, something had to give. I could not stand being this unhappy. It was hurting me feeling like this, like I could not breathe that I was sinking, and I knew I had to do something, so I started working on myself and what I really wanted.

I have always loved helping people, wanting to see them happy and achieving, so in 2018, I took a Health and Social Care course and though I knew I was going along the right path, the jobs in that sector did not speak to me, but I found something even greater and in April 2020 my Life Coaching journey began. I took on some practice clients and loved it. I became certified the following year and in five other subjects that I decided that I could incorporate and that would work alongside my Coaching sessions. Due to my journey, I found what I wanted to specialise in, and it was to help and support people going through depression and anxiety, to aid them in reaching their true goals.

I am a person who always sees that there is light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how dim. I have always had hope, and this has enabled me to be dedicated and determined to persevere in anything that is important to me. I am both an introvert and an extrovert, so I do like people, like to people watch (not as creepy, as it sounds, I just like to observe people), like to get to know and understand what makes a person tick, but I also like my own space, like to retreat, when I need to be in my own energies. I am a sensitive person, who cares deeply for people, who wants to see the betterment of people and the world.

I believe we can all be truly content in this world, just by finding what makes us genuinely happy, what makes our hearts sing and going for it and living it. What ever that looks like for you, you can make it. Let me be your muse and help and support you to turn your dreams into a reality, so that you can have your heaven on earth. Step out of that makeshift box that societal norms have bound us to, to create your world in the way that you genuinely want to live it.

Let me join you on your journey to success and believe me, you are not alone, as I am still on mine, so we will be walking and taking these steps together.

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